We will further implement special actions for energy conservation and carbon reduction to promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the steel industry

The iron and steel industry is an important basic industry of the national economy and an important support for building a modern power. Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the General Administration of Market Regulation, the National Energy Administration and other departments jointly issued the "Special Action Plan for Energy conservation and carbon Reduction in the Steel industry" (Development and reform Environmental Capital (2024) No. 730, hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), clarifying the main goals, key tasks and safeguard measures for energy conservation and carbon reduction in the steel industry. It is of great significance to support the completion of the "14th Five-Year Plan" to reduce the binding indicators of energy intensity and promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the industry.

First, deeply understand the significance of implementing the special action on energy conservation and carbon reduction in the steel industry

(1) Promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in the steel industry is an important starting point for the development of new quality productivity.  Actively promoting the energy saving and carbon reduction action in the steel industry, promoting the energy saving and carbon reduction transformation of the steel industry and the upgrading of energy consumption equipment, is conducive to accelerating the optimization and adjustment of the product structure, energy consumption structure, raw material structure and process reengineering of the steel industry, promoting the high-end, intelligent and green industry, and enhancing the global competitiveness of China's steel industry.

(2) Promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in the steel industry is an important way to actively and steadily promote carbon to peak carbon neutrality. The main path of low-carbon development of the steel industry includes system energy efficiency improvement, resource recycling, process optimization and innovation, and system energy efficiency improvement is the most important, economical and direct means to effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions at present. Actively promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction actions in the steel industry can effectively improve the energy utilization efficiency of the industry, reduce the level of carbon dioxide emissions, promote the optimization of energy consumption structure and green low-carbon development, and lay a solid foundation for the industrial field and the whole society to achieve carbon peak carbon neutrality.

(3) Promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in the steel industry is an important support for the completion of the "14th Five-Year Plan" energy conservation and carbon reduction goals. China is a large country of steel production and consumption, and the steel industry is a key industry in China's energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. In 2023, the total energy consumption of China's steel industry will account for more than 11% of the country's total energy consumption, and about 15% of the crude steel production capacity will not meet the benchmark level of energy efficiency. Actively promote the energy saving and carbon reduction action of the steel industry, make good the entrance of new projects, and implement the energy saving and carbon reduction transformation of stock projects, which is of great significance to support the completion of the "14th Five-Year Plan" energy saving and carbon reduction goal.

Second, systematically deploy the key tasks of energy conservation and carbon reduction in the steel industry

In order to accelerate the promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction in the steel industry, the Action Plan puts forward seven key tasks. First, we will strengthen regulation and management of production capacity. To deepen the supply-side structural reform as the main line, put forward specific requirements for improving the regulation and control of steel production capacity and output management. In 2024, we will continue to implement crude steel output control, and by the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in the industry will reach 30%, and the production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency will complete the target task of technological transformation or elimination. Second, we will strengthen the source control of new projects. We will strengthen the review of energy conservation in fixed asset investment projects and the examination and approval of environmental impact assessments, comprehensively improve the energy efficiency and environmental protection of new, renovated and expanded projects, and resolutely suspend the approval and construction of steel projects that do not meet the requirements. Third, we will speed up energy conservation and carbon reduction. We will refine the implementation paths of energy saving and carbon reduction transformation and energy use equipment renewal in the steel industry, strengthen the connection of key process transformation, promote advanced technologies such as sintering flue gas cycle, large proportion pellet smelting, and special equipment such as belt roasting machines and universal rolling mills, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of general equipment such as motors, boilers and oxygen generators. The fourth is to strengthen the utilization of surplus energy in the whole process. Strengthen the utilization and transformation of surplus energy in the industry, orderly carry out the renewal of surplus energy self-generating equipment, actively promote the efficient utilization technology such as ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure power generation, and accelerate the application of high temperature and high pressure dry quenching coke. Fifth, optimize the production process. Accelerate the increase in the proportion of short-process electric furnace steelmaking, and put forward the quantitative target of 300 million tons of scrap steel utilization by the end of 2025, and strive to increase the proportion of electric furnace steel production in crude steel production to 15%. Sixth, promote a new model of low-carbon steel smelting. Accelerate the research and development and application of hydrogen-based direct reduction, hydrogen-rich melting reduction and other technologies, and constantly improve the proportion of new energy development and utilization in iron and steel smelting. We will strengthen the coupling of industries to improve efficiency, support the use of steel and steel by-product gas to produce high-value-added chemical products, and accelerate the application of coke-oven gas to hydrogen production and co-production of liquefied natural gas. Seventh, improve the level of digital management. Strengthen the monitoring, analysis and management of energy consumption and carbon emissions data in the steel production process, strengthen the intelligent control of energy using equipment and production processes, and clarify the target of the numerical control rate of key processes in the steel industry to reach about 80% by the end of 2025.

At the same time, the Action Plan further strengthens policy funding and other safeguard measures to help the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the steel industry. First, strengthen incentives and constraints. Based on the energy efficiency level and environmental protection performance, differentiated incentive and constraint mechanisms such as output control, transformation and upgrading, and ladder electricity price are implemented for enterprises by classification and classification. Second, increase financial support. Comprehensive use of government investment, tax incentives, green finance, transformation finance and other means to increase support for energy saving and carbon reduction transformation and energy use equipment renewal projects in the steel industry. Third, we will raise standards. We will accelerate the revision of energy consumption quota standards, promote the formulation of carbon emission accounting and low-carbon process technology standards, formulate and revise recommended standards such as energy efficiency benchmarking guidelines for key processes and energy efficiency benchmarking evaluation norms, and effectively use standards as a guide to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in industries. Fourth, we will speed up technological innovation. We will improve insurance policies for the first set (or sets) of major technical equipment and the first batch of applications of key new materials, and support enterprises to increase investment in research and development of advanced process equipment. Industry associations are encouraged to regularly collect and publish lists of relevant technologies, and accelerate the promotion and application of advanced technologies for energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Third, effectively strengthen the organization and implementation of energy conservation and carbon reduction work in the steel industry

In order to promote the organization and implementation of all regions and all relevant parties and ensure the implementation of key tasks, the Action Plan puts forward work requirements for strengthening organizational leadership, speeding up project implementation, strict supervision and management, and strengthening publicity and guidance. First, strengthen organizational leadership. All regions are required to refine work measures, decompose tasks, and consolidate responsibilities in accordance with the actual situation. Give full play to the role of industry associations and research institutions, and strengthen the service guidance for iron and steel enterprises. Second, we will accelerate project implementation. The provincial energy conservation authorities are required to carry out in-depth energy efficiency diagnosis in the steel industry, strengthen energy saving and carbon reduction transformation and energy equipment renewal project reserves, formulate transformation plans and clarify the transformation time limit, and form actual energy saving and carbon reduction effects as soon as possible. Third, strict supervision and management. The competent departments of energy conservation at all levels, industry and information technology authorities are required to strengthen the supervision and supervision of energy conservation in the steel industry, urge project construction units to strictly implement the energy-saving review system, and seriously deal with illegal new production capacity and ineffective elimination of backward production capacity. Fourth, strengthen publicity and guidance. Relying on important platforms such as the National Ecological Day and the National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, we will increase the publicity of advanced experience in energy conservation and carbon reduction in the steel industry. We will give full play to the leading role of state-owned enterprises and leading enterprises, actively carry out voluntary commitments and practices on energy conservation and carbon reduction, and create a good atmosphere for green, low-carbon and high-quality development.